
Head post office in 1740.

Type 15

Small numerals

Type 16

Type 17

Type 18

Large numerals

Type 15 + small numerals

Type 15 + large numerals

Type 16 + large numerals

Type 17 + redesigned large numerals






Type 17 + large numerals

Redesigned large numerals

Type 18 + large numerals


(Date format: DD/MM/YYYY)

Type 16 + redesigned large numerals


The redesigned large numerals can be distinguished from the normal one in that the 5 is shaped like a clog and the 4 is curved and has a high horizontal bar.

Small numerals 290 and type 15.

Large numerals 354 and type 16.

Large numerals 354 and type 18.

Large numerals 354 and type 15.

Large numerals 354 and type 17.

Declared value letter of 140 Fr franked at 1.15 Fr, i.e. 25 c for a letter up to 10 g, 50 c for registration and 40 c insurance (20 c per 100 Fr). The 5 c stamp is No. 35 (green on bluish paper).

Redesigned large numerals 354 and type 16.