
Head post office in 1668.

Type 15

Large numerals

Type 16

Type 17

Small numerals

Type 15 + small numerals

Type 15 + large numerals

Type 17 + large numerals




Small numerals of the 2nd nomenclature

Type 16 + large numerals


The small numerals of the 2nd nomenclature were not seen on letter yet.

From May to November 1855, the type 15 was dated 54 (instead of 55).

(Date format: DD/MM/YYYY)

Small numerals 370 and type 15.

Wrong date, 54 instead of 55. On 2 June 1854, the 20 c Empire postage stamp had not yet been issued.

Large numerals 448 and type 16.

Large numerals 448 and type 17.

Large numerals 448 and type 15.