
Head post office in 1668.

Type 14

Large numerals

Type 15

Type 16

Small numerals

Redesigned large numerals a

Type 14 + small numerals

Type 15 + small numerals

Type 15 + large numerals





Type 16 + large numerals

Small numerals of the 2nd nomenclature

The post office of DOUAI used 3 types of redesigned large numerals.

The first are distinguished by its larger numerals (7 mm instead of 6.75). In addition, the first 3 is shifted to the left and wider than the second. The head of the 1 is also more closed.

The second are easily identifiable by the fact that the digits are much wider. The number 1 and the first 3 are shifted to the left. The digits are also the same height as the normal ones.

The third are distinguished by the long loop separations for the 3s (especially the second 3) and the loops of the 3s are more closed. Similarly, the last 3 is narrower than the first and the head of the 1 is more open.

Type 15 + small numerals of the 2nd nomenclature


Type 17

Redesigned large numerals b

Redesigned large numerals c

Empty lozenge

Type 16 + small numerals of the 2nd nomenclature


Type 17 + large numerals

Type 17 + small numerals of the 2nd nomenclature



Type 15 + redesigned large numerals a


Type 16 + redesigned large numerals a


Type 17 + redesigned large numerals a

Type 16 + redesigned large numerals b

Type 17 + redesigned large numerals b

Type 17 + redesigned large numerals c





Type 17 + empty lozenge


(Date format: DD/MM/YYYY)

Small numerals 1127 and type 14.

Large numerals 1334 and type 15.

Small numerals of the 2nd nomenclature 1334 and type 16.

Small numerals 1127 and type 15.

Large numerals 1334 and type 16.

Small numerals of the 2nd nomenclature 1334 and type 15.

Small numerals of the 2nd nomenclature 1334 and type 17.

Empty lozenge and type 17.