
Head post office in 1676.

Type 15

Large numerals

Type 17

Type 18

Small numerals

Redesigned large numerals a

Type 15 + small numerals

Type 15 + large numerals




Type 15 Mobile Box + large numerals

Small numerals of the 2nd nomenclature

The post office of DUNKERQUE used 4 redesigned large numerals that had been redesigned.

The first is distinguished from the normal by its wider digits and a very arched 4.

The second differs from the normal in that the 6 has a more open head and the 4 has a higher horizontal bar.

From 1870 onwards, this redesigned large numerals had almost "square" digits.

The third is distinguished by its very characteristic flat-headed numeral 3. The 3 has little or no point at the end of the head and its loop is more open. In addition, the 1 is shifted to the left.

The fourth resembles (because of the 3) the previous one, but it has a point at the end of the head and a loop that is more closed at the top. The 6 seems to lean towards the 3.

Type 15 Mobile Box

Type 15 + redesigned large numerals a


Type 17 + redesigned large numerals a




Type 18 + redesigned large numerals d



Type 17 + redesigned large numerals b

Type 17 + redesigned large numerals c

Type 17 + redesigned large numerals d

Redesigned large numerals b

Redesigned large numerals d

Redesigned large numerals c

(Date format: DD/MM/YYYY)

Small numerals 1152 and type 15.

Redesigned large numerals 1364 a and type 15.

Large numerals 1364 and type 15.

Redesigned large numerals 1364 a et type 17.

Redesigned large numerals 1364 d et type 17.

Redesigned large numerals 1364 d et type 18.