Rear area postal service

Bank mail

Bank Activity Supervision during the Occupation.

The supervision of banking activities was overseen by the bank supervision offices (Bankaufsichtsstellen).

In VALENCIENNES, the Bankaufsichtsstelle VALENCIENNES was established on 10 April 1916 by decree II c 1048084, issued by Quartermaster General FREYTAG. It was headquartered at 12 rue St Géry. Under this decree, all financial institutions were required to register with the German authorities by 10 May 1916, while town halls were instructed to provide, upon request, a list of all such entities operating within their jurisdiction.

Under point 3 of the decree, this supervision office was granted the authority to:

a) examine the books and records of the monitored companies, inspect cash holdings and valuable deposits, scrutinise bills of exchange, and demand clarifications on all relevant matters;

b) prohibit business activities either entirely or in specific transactions, particularly those involving securities, the fulfilment of financial commitments, and business communications;

c) order the deposit of securities;

d) remove authorised representatives from their positions should they be deemed untrustworthy.

This administration not only supervised banking operations but also regulated financial flows within the occupied territories. It had the power to sequester companies and appoint a German administrator to manage them. Furthermore, it exercised administrative control over banks' correspondence, primarily for financial oversight.

In the rear zones of the Western Front, nine bank supervision offices were established:

  • Three in Belgium: Bankaufsichtsstelle 5 in MONS, Bankaufsichtsstelle 7 in GHENT (GAND), and Bankaufsichtsstelle 8 in TOURNAI.

  • Six in France: Bankaufsichtsstelle 1 in VALENCIENNES, Bankaufsichtsstelle 2 in LILLE, Bankaufsichtsstelle 3 in LONGWY, and Bankaufsichtsstelle 4 in ST-QUENTIN (later moved to MAUBEUGE).

Additionally, Bankaufsichtsstelle 1 in VALENCIENNES established a branch (Zweigstelle) in DOUAI.

Bankaufsichtsstelle Valenciennes
Bankaufsichtsstelle Valenciennes

Letter weighing 20g franked at 10 Pf (rate of 15/12/1914) from the bank control office to the Société Générale.

There does not appear to have been any military postal control.

The mail was registered by the Bankaufsichtsstelle under number 218.

Considering that the postage rate changed on 15 August 1916 and that no. 435 was found on a letter dated 1 August 1916, we can assume that this letter dates from May/June 1916.

The circular postmark "Bankaufsichtstelle Valenciennes" is rare on letters. It is not a control stamp, but rather a service stamp.

Bankaufsichtsstelle Valenciennes
Bankaufsichtsstelle Valenciennes

VALENCIENNES (2nd Army) to LA LOUVIERE (Belgium). Letter checked by the Bankaufsichtsstelle on 3 May 1917. The letter was then examined militarily (stamped "Geprüft P.Ü.St") and handed over to the military post office on 5 May.

The presence of both the inspection stamp and the circular service stamp of the Bankaufsichtsstelle is unusual.

LILLE (6th Army) to VALENCIENNES (1st Army), 8th March 1917.

First checked by the LILLE Bankaufsichtsstelle on 8 March, it was examined by the 6th Army's postal control centre on 9 March. Arriving at VALENCIENNES, the letter was checked again by the Bankaufsichtsstelle on 13th March 1917.

LILLE (6th Army) to VALENCIENNES (2nd Army). Letter checked a first time by the Bankaufsichtsstelle of LILLE, stamped "Inhalt sachlich geprüft" (contents examined administratively), then by the postal control of the 6th Army on 14th June 1917.

In VALENCIENNES, a new examination took place on 20 June by the VALENCIENNES bank control office.

Since 24 May 1917 (decree II c 17690/8), all bank supervision offices had to be identified by a number only. The VALENCIENNES Bankaufsichtsstelle thus became Bankaufsichtsstelle n°1.

Bankaufsichtsstelle Valenciennes
Bankaufsichtsstelle Valenciennes

VALENCIENNES (1st Army) to LILLE (6th Army).

Checked by the Bankaufsichtsstelle in VALENCIENNES on 21 March 1917 and then by the military postal control of the 1st Army. No control visible on arrival at LILLE.

This letter circulated in the last days of the August 1916 postal rate. From 20 March 1917, postage for a single letter cost 20 Pf or 25 c.

Bankaufsichtsstelle 1.
Bankaufsichtsstelle 1.
Bankaufsichtsstelle 4.
Bankaufsichtsstelle 4.

MAUBEUGE (18th Army) to VALENCIENNES (2nd Army).

Letter controlled militarily by the 18th Army, then administratively by Bankaufsichtsstelle 4 of MAUBEUGE and finally by Bankaufsichsstelle 1 of VALENCIENNES. No. 20649 makes it possible to date this letter after the end of May 1918 and probably in June.

The stamp "Geprüft P.Ü.St" with broken frame belonged to the Postüberwachungsstelle n° 44 of the 18th Army.

Bankaufsichtsstelle Valenciennes
Bankaufsichtsstelle Valenciennes
Bankaufsichtsstelle Valenciennes
Bankaufsichtsstelle Valenciennes
Bankaufsichtsstelle 1.
Bankaufsichtsstelle 1.

LILLE (6th Army) to VALENCIENNES (2nd Army). Control by the Bankaufsichtsstelle n° 2 of LILLE (stamp "Inhalt sachlich geprüft" ). The Postüberwachungsstelle n° 40 (6th Army) applied its unit stamp "Postüberwachungsstelle 40 Deutsche Feldpost 402" instead of its postal control stamp, which is unusual.

In VALENCIENNES, new control by the Bankaufsichtsstelle n° 1 which recorded it under no 12181 (August/September 1917), stamped "Sachlich geprüft Bankaufsichtsstelle 1 Briefbuch Nr....".

DOUAI (2nd Army) to VALENCIENNES (2nd Army).

The VALENCIENNES bank supervision office had a branch in DOUAI. This letter was checked on 31 January 1918 by this branch (stamp "Bank Aufsicht-Stelle". On arrival, a military check took place ("Geprüft P.Ü.St") in addition to a second administrative check by Bankaufsichtsstelle 1.