Usage of numeral cancels
in head post offices
On this page, you will find a few examples of numeral lozenges used in head post offices in the Nord department.
Small numerals

Marchiennes : small numerals 1864 and type 13.

Steenvoorde : small numerals 2948 and type 15.
Letter that should have been franked at 25 c (rate of 01/07/1850). The handwritten tax represents the difference between the stamp on the letter (10 c) and the cost of a postage due letter (25 c).

Valenciennes : large numerals 4078 and type 15.
Letter franked at 40 c to Rome, Italy.

Bergues : large numerals 448 and type 16.

Quesnoy sur Deule : large numerals 3057 and type 16.

Beugnies : large numerals 4595 and type 17.
Registered letter franked at 75 c: 25 c for up to 10 g + 50 c registration fee (rate of 01/09/1871).

Avesnes les Aubert : large numerals 1141 and type 17.
The large numeral lozenge 1141 was assigned to the Corny-sur-Moselle post office before the 1870/71 war.

Masnières : large numerals 2258 and type 18.

Cassel : large numerals 745 and type 18.
Small numerals of the Large numerals

Fourmies : small numerals of the large numerals 1567 and type 15.

Templeuve : small numerals of the large numerals 3917 and type 15.

Le Quesnoy : small numerals of the large numerals 3056 and type 16.
Comines : small numerals of the large numerals 1090 and type 16.

Hazebrouck : small numerals of the large numerals 1775 and type 17.

Maubeuge : small numerals of the large numerals 2272 and type 17.
Orchies : small numerals 2334 and type 13.
Bourbourg : small numerals 463 and type 14.
Douai : small numerals 1127 and type 14.
Dunkerque : small numerals 1152 and type 15.
Letter franked at 1.20 Fr to Norway.
Large numerals
Hondschoote : large numerals 1804 and type 15.