Occupation of Valenciennes 1914-1918
The German occupation of northeastern France between 1914 and 1918 remains relatively unknown.
Unlike the Franco-Prussian War of 1870–71 and the Second World War (1939–45), the postal history of this occupation during the First World War has received little attention. For most collectors, finding letters franked with German stamps from Alsace or Lorraine between 1914 and 1918 seems unsurprising. However, discovering similar letters bearing German or Bavarian stamps from towns in the departments of Nord, Pas-de-Calais, Aisne, Marne, Ardennes, or Meuse, for example, can be more perplexing.
This study explores this lesser-known aspect, using the town of Valenciennes and its district as a case study.

Discover here the chronology of the 1560 days of the German occupation of VALENCIENNES.
German Feldpost in 1914-1918

The German Field Post was one of the key players in the lives of soldiers. This section describes how it worked and its postmarks.
German postal service in Valenciennes
For the duration of the occupation, the circulation of private mail was prohibited.
In the rear area (Etappengebiet) the Germans set up a postal service for civilians.
Only certain types of mail could circulate, but only under German control.
Find out how this postal service worked here.

The postal service of the Valenciennes Chamber of Commerce
The Chamber of Commerce of VALENCIENNES stamp is emblematic of the German occupation. No town in occupied territory issued a postage stamp during the first months of the occupation.
It all began on 25 August 1914, the 1st day of the occupation.