Small and large numerals
Before the numeral cancels

The era of numeral cancels marked the end of the Post Office's trial-and-error approach to cancelling postage stamps. Since 1849, with the introduction of the postage stamp in France, the Post Office had transitioned from cancelling stamps using makeshift methods—such as pen strokes, date stamps, and linear stamps—to the grill cancel, which lasted only three years. This was followed by the introduction of small numeral lozenges from 1852 to 1862 and large numeral lozenges from 1863 to 1876.

Since 1852
At the end of 1851, the postal administration decided to update its list of post offices and, at the same time, change the method of cancellation.
Starting in January 1852, postage stamps were cancelled using the small numeral cancels (Petits Chiffres). This cancellation mark consisted of a rhombus of dots, with the post office number—corresponding to the updated list of post offices—at its centre.
It is often believed that the official date for the introduction of the Petits Chiffres was January 1, 1852. However, this date actually refers to the circular announcing the adoption of this new cancellation method.
In reality, the small numeral cancels began arriving at post offices during the first half of January 1852.

Extract from circular no. 77 of 1 January 1852.
In 1862
In 1862, the French Post Office overhauled its nomenclature of post offices and introduced a new cancellation stamp: the large numeral cancel (Gros Chiffres). The small numeral cancels (Petits Chiffres) were deemed too difficult to read due to their size and the fact that they quickly became obscured by ink and wear.
Most post offices began using their large numeral cancels from 1 January 1863, although many had already adopted them by December 1862. After almost 13 years in service, the Gros Chiffres ceased to be used at the end of March 1876. Instruction No. 193, published in Monthly Bulletin No. 84 of March 1876, announced this discontinuation; however, as it was received on different dates across various offices, the final usage date varied. In general, usage after 28 March is considered late, and after 1 April 1876, very late.
From 1871 onwards, following Prussia’s annexation of parts of the eastern departments, the numbers assigned to the annexed post offices were no longer in use. These large numeral cancels were later reassigned to newly established offices from 1873 onwards. Collectors have since referred to these as the “Replacements of Alsace-Lorraine.”
At the same time as the second nomenclature was introduced in 1862, the administration decided that each post office should send its Petits Chiffres cancel to the office corresponding to its new order number (as per Monthly Bulletin No. 88, December 1862).
An exchange list and procedure were to be implemented in the days that followed. The monthly bulletin even stated that “the old cancellation stamp that has been exchanged (…) will be used in the event that the one soon to be supplied by the equipment office is taken out of service.” In practice, many post offices never exchanged their small numerals, most likely due to oversight.
Finally, it is also likely that the equipment office redistributed its remaining stock of Petits Chiffres cancels to post offices in accordance with the new nomenclature.