Usage of numeral cancels

in sub post offices

In the Nord department, only the city of Lille had a central post office as well as sub post offices.

Small numerals

Lille-Wazemmes : small numerals 1727 and type 15 "B LILLE B".

The small numerals 1727 belonged to the post office of LILLE and were used by the sub post office of WAZEMMES.

Lille-Wazemmes : small numerals 3690 and type 15 "B LILLE B".

The small numerals 3690 belonged to the post office of WAZEMMES before it was annexed by LILLE.

Lille-Fives : large numerals 2046 C and type 17 "LILLE - SECTION DE FIVES".

Registered letter franked at 75 c (25 c for a letter up to 10 g and 50 c for the registration fee).

Lille-Fives : large numerals 2046 C and type 17 "LILLE - SECTION DE FIVES".

The standard color of cancellations was black. Here, the postal markings are in blue.

Lille-Fives : large numerals 6314 and type 17 "LILLE - SECTION DE FIVES".

Large numerals

Lille-Moulinlille : large numerals 2046 A and type 15 "A LILLE A".

Lille-Moulinlille : large numerals 2046 A and type 16 "LILLE - MOULINLILLE".

Lille-Moulinlille : large numerals 2046 A and type 15 "LILLE - MOULINLILLE".

Lille-Moulinlille : large numerals 6312 A and type 17 "LILLE - MOULINLILLE".

The large numerals 2046 A was replaced by the 6312 January 1873.

Lille-Fives : large numerals 2046 C and type 15 "LILLE - SECTION DE FIVES".